Saturday, April 29, 2006

Smaller, Cheaper, Better?

Two games coming out in May promise a bit of epic proportions. They are Half-Life 2:Episode 1 and SiN:Episode 1. These title may not be as epic in gameplay, but they are certainly epic in publishing. These games promise many releases, perhaps even 3 chapters a year. We're gonna see alotta publishers sampling this new route. Already its in action with Guild Wars. The question, is it best for the gamer?

I'm all about cheaper priced games. Both SiN & HL2 : Eps 1, will retail for about $20. But developers have not answered how short is short, regarding duration. Also, the rule for trilogies is that the ones in the middle sucked. So, if these have 9 episodes, will that mean the 1st and last will rock, while the middle are weak? And, will the graphics begin to decay over time, assuming they have no interest in updating the engine. Lastly no way will you sell as many copies of eps 9, as you would for 1. So, if the selling falls flat, will the story ever get finished? Time will tell.

I'm probably just going to hang back on these, and wait till they are all available, so I can buy the bundled edition. My bet, this is more about making money as I'm reminded, "Smaller, cheaper, better" wasn't the case for NASA!

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