Friday, October 14, 2005

The Multi Platform Syndrome

I would like to introduce The Multi Platform Syndrome. This is when game development is compromised to apply to different platforms. My issue is, why do we PC gamers have to suffer for this.

I just read the Quake 4 review by IGN, basically laying out how badly streamlined the multiplayer is. Its a step back from Quake 3, and has nothing on the Unreal series.

Then there's the graphics. Tiger Woods, GTA...etc, could have had way better graphics, but instead stuck to the same old engines as their older version games, to still be compatible with consoles.

Then there's that whole save point crap, over a quick save. I personally like both, and let the user decide.

Lastly, we have more keys, and always will. I hate, just hate when I can't remap a gamepad control to the keyboard. Or worse, when I can't even remap keys to other keys. If you have the tools (keys, 5+button mice, better game-pads) USE THEM!

At least we'll still have MODs to help the lack of production.

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