Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Gamer Grouping

Parks Associates created a report that attempts to group games regarding the level of commitment. The grouping is as follows:
  1. Power - These gamers represent 11 percent of the gamer market but account for 30 cents of every dollar spent on retail and online games.
  2. Social - This group of gamers enjoy gaming as a way to interact with friends.
  3. Leisure - These gamers spend about 58 hours per month playing games, but mainly on casual titles. Nevertheless they prefer challenging titles and show high interest in new gaming services.
  4. Dormant - Dormant gamers love gaming but spend little time on it because of family, work or school. They like to play with friends and family and prefer complex and challenging games.
  5. Incidental - This group lacks motivation and plays games mainly out of boredom. However, they spend more than 20 hours a month playing online games.
  6. Occasional - These gamers play puzzle, word and board games almost exclusively.
This grouping is crap. I wonder how much these guys made for producing ignorance and crap. Even more entertaining, they plan on reviewing the grouping next year to spot trends. I had to look no further then myself to recognize the crappyness of the report.

At first I spotted myself as a Social gamer. I like LANs, and online gaming. I also like the occational solo adventure or RPG. Which makes me not a Social gamer. Hmmm, well how about Dormant. I love gaming, but I also love other things in life too. Dormant players "like to play with friends and family." As opposed to the Social gamers? WTF. I suppose I'm a Leisure gamer that likes social and dormant aspects. Regardless, the only reason we have Leisure gamers, is because they have other things in life, hence a Leisure gamer is a Dormant gamer. Sigh, looks like I need to make my own grouping.

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