Monday, June 02, 2008

The List - June '08

PC games worthy of mention for this month, ordered by interest and I explain why.
(Monthly US releases are only estimated)

Dog days of summer gaming? ...well, yes. Could be could own a Wii.

LEGO Indiana Jones - Action
I'll admit, I still haven't touched the Star Wars Lego eps4-6 that I bought for $20 from newegg, mostly because I'm easily frustrated at the console port feel, in respect to save-games and camera angles. However, the light hearted satire works well, so I'm looking forward to the jump into I.J. Although it has coop, it has no LAN support.

Political Machines 2008 - strategy, simulator
I just want to know if I can upload my avatar yet? Yes...great. Given the runners in 08, I think Ashley Dupre has a good chance.

Grid - Racing Sim
From the makers of DiRT. Will this be the killer racing sim, or just another to the pot?

Alone in the Dark - Shooter/action
[Edit: This game has received horrible reviews]
As far as nostalgia goes, this is the original survival horror series. Too bad, after 1 & 2, the series dove into the deep dark bowels of crap entertainment. Here's to hoping this new release can bring back the great creep factor we once knew.

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