Monday, December 04, 2006

More Crappy Research

Another bogus claim through research linking violence to video games. Read the article at CNN.

Here's why its crap research. The researcher took 2 group of teens. One played the violent game: Medal of Honor: Frontline, while the other played a non-violent game: Need for Speed: Underground. But, here's the problem: The games are poorly labeled as what they say they are. To break it down:

The so called violent game; Medal of Honor:
Your a soldier in WWII embedded with the allied army, fighting against all odds for Truth, Justice, and the American way against the evil Nazis. Do you shoot people? Yes. But did you have to? Yes. Is it educational? Yes. Was it our finest hour? Yes.

Now the Non Violent Game; Need for Speed: Underground:
Your a punk kid trying to rise in the ranks of illegal underground street racing. So you are awarded with out running the cops, high speed racing, and hitting the occasional pedestrian (well, awarded in the sense that its cool when you see the body go flying in real rag doll physics). All while upgrading your car so you can gloat about your materialistic mannerisms.

You be the judge on how well the report is.

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