Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The List - December '08

PC games worthy of mention for this month, ordered by interest and I explain why.
(Monthly US releases are only estimated).

And now the games that slipped from the last 2 months...

Grand Theft Auto IV - TPS
GTA4 finally arrives for the PC. With new graphics, controls, and multiplay options, the wait may have been worth it.

Rise of the Argonauts - ARPG
This will help fill in that void if your drooling for Diablo3. Still not clear what multiplay option there will be, if any.

Prince of Persia - Platformer
Or is it called PoP4, or PoP 2008? I'll admit, I burned out on the series. It just seem repetitive after awhile, like most platformers. But if your a fan of the series, then you'll probably look forward to this. I'm noting it here because at least Ubisoft didn't decide to wait a year to release it for the PC, then ask why it didn't sell well.

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